Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mitten Mix Up

Little Man has learned his uppercase letters, 24 of his lowercase letters, and 20 letter sounds.  We are right around the corner from having our letters and sounds mastered, but in the mean time we are working on making sure he can match up the upper with the lower.

In order to make the practicing a little fun, I made a game up for Little Man.
I cut out mittens from construction paper and made a match for all 26 letters.

  I threw all the mittens in a bowl and told Little Man that the boys and girls had mixed up their mittens.
(He then asked me why they did such a thing!:)

I told him he had to find the matches so the boys and girls could go outside to play.  I split the deck into half so we only did 13 matches each turn.  He did a pretty good job. 



 We'll have this concept mastered in no time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure there are mittens on the Cricut. You wouldn't have had to cut all these out. Also, I have all of the Word Building ones when you are ready for that. I also have phonetic books that are about 10 pages long.
