Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dara Torres biography

Michael and I like to listen to a book on CD when we are traveling.  It just helps the time go faster.  Unfortunately, we have wildly different tastes when it comes to books, television shows and movies.  Think polar opposites!  I usually try to find something that meets in the middle of our two worlds, but even that is hard.  One thing I've found that we can both generally agree on is biographies.  Over Christmas we listened to Dara Torres' book.  You may remember her from the Olympics--she was the 41 year old swimmer.
This book was very interesting.  If you are into the Olympics or even remotely know her story, I think you will enjoy it.  I am not a swimmer.  I have never been a swimmer.  Her book kind of takes you behind the scenes.  It explains what she had to do to train, all the things that go on at the Olympics, and so much more.  The only thing we didn't like is that it sort of skipped around.  She'd be talking about her childhood and then suddenly we'd be back in the holding room at the Olympics... and then back to her training in college.  Either way, I think it's worth the "read".

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