Monday, December 14, 2009

Russian Tea

Man, I feel like I need another weekend just to recuperate from my weekend.  Anyone else feel like that?  My weekend was very busy, but very fun.  I'm hoping to finish up some last minute crafts and our Christmas cards this week.  Then I can relax a little and enjoy our birthdays and Christmas.

For today, I'm just going to give you the Russian Tea recipe I promised.  It actually doesn't taste much like tea, which is just fine by me.  I don't like any kind of tea... except this.

My family has been making this recipe for years.  I remember enjoying a good cup of this stuff as a child.  I've seen other similar recipes that have lemonade mix in them.  I'm not sure what the difference is since I've never tasted that kind.  I'm gonna stick with old faithful!

You will need:

3/4 cup sugar
1 cup Tang
1/4 cup instant tea (plain)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves

Mix it all together!
You will need about 3 teaspoons per cup of hot water.
You may want to add more too taste.

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