Monday, December 28, 2009

Birthday Re-cap

Well, I survived turning 30.  It actually isn't that big of a deal to me to be "the big 3-0".  I think society just tries to make it a big deal.  Oh well...

Anyway, I had a very low key day, but it was still good.  I was able to enjoy some of my favorite things, which is always nice.

First, I slept in.  I had the day off, and it was so nice to not have to do anything for once.  I had been so busy with Christmas "stuff", that sleeping in was actually a treat.  Once I woke up, I watched Hoda and Kathi Lee.   I try to watch them every day... even if it means setting the DVR and watching them during nap time.  Hey--it's better than soap operas!!  I got to chit chat with my college roommate.  It's always good to catch up with her.  We can go months without talking, but always pick up right where we left off.  I love that.  To me, that's true friendship.  I got myself ready for the day and headed out.  I had planned to pick up Starbucks, because really--whats a birthday without it?  But instead I went through the McDonald's drive thru.  I was just going to get some fries (and then make my coffee stop), but they had egg nog milkshakes.  Can we say "yum"?!  I'm not much of a milkshake kind of girl, but every year I need at least one egg nog milkshake and one shamrock milkshake.  I left McDonald's and headed to Target.  Hello?!  Who doesn't love Target??  I then bought myself some clothes and jewelry.  I'd call the day a success!  Once Michael got home we we to dinner at Brio.  I love being anywhere with my husband.  We had very yummy food and good conversation.  Oh--and lets not forget the tiramisu!  We had planned to go to a movie, but it was getting a little late.  So we went home and watched Sing Off.  Nice.

 Of course, a birthday wouldn't be a birthday without the gifts.  So here's what I got.

Umm....hello!  A hot pink camera?  Are you kidding me?  LOVE IT!
Ok, I don't just love it because it's pink.  I really wanted a Canon.
It's what I use for work and have no issues with it.
I know you probably thought I was just a terrible photographer and blaming it on the camera.
That could be the case--time will tell--but my old camera was having issues.
Any time you turned the flash off you came out with a ridiculously blurry picture.
Plus, it would just randomly freeze and the only way to get it to do anything was to take the battery out.
When you took the battery out, it would eat the last 2 or 3 pictures you took.
Needless to say, this new camera was needed!
I already ordered a very cute camera case from etsy.  My camera case was red.  You can't have a pink camera with a red case, so I just had to get a new one! :)

I also got one of these

and a blanket my friend Laurie made me

and my friend Kristin got me this (on CD)...

I also got a Michael's gift card from my sister.
I can't wait to get more crafting supplies! :)

Michael's grandma got me the laminator I wanted.

My brother gave me a gift card to Walmart.

And I got a birthday mug, measuring spoons and $50 to Starbucks from my bosses.

I am blessed!

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