Monday, May 10, 2010

I kill

plants.  It's true.  I'm a murderer.  I wish I wasn't.  I wish I was born with a bright green thumb.  Unfortunately, my thumb is not green and is apparently filled with malice.  I don't know what is wrong with me.  I get plants with every intent on watering them and keeping them alive.  They just don't like me.  It may have something to do with me accidentally starving them.  Or it could have to do with the fact that I don't pay attention to how much sun they are getting.  But I promise, I really don't mean to kill.  I really do want them to live and thrive and look all healthy and green and make my living space more "homey".  It just doesn't go down like that.  Knowing my murderous ways, I even try to buy the fool proof plants.  You know--the ones that say they are low maintenance.  I think whoever puts those stickers on those plants lie.  I'm just saying.

So after successfully killing a handful of plants (one due to my sister giving me SHADY advice), we finally had a good one.  He's been hanging on for a while.  He doesn't seem to mind that half of him is hidden from the sun by our entertainment center.  He didn't even complain when I made him go for weeks without water.  He just sat there all green and pretty like.  I guess over time he started getting a little hungry.  Parts of his leaves started to turn a little yellow... just a little.  Don't judge!  Ok, and maybe some of them started turning brown and falling off.  Whatever.

Michael, being the merciful one in this relationship, tried to remind me to water the darn thing.  I would... when I thought about it.  I think he started to feel bad for it.  Plus, we had just tossed one out that went to little plant heaven.  Don't worry... it came from dust and back to dust it shall go! :)

Anyway, so while he was at the store picking up some flowers for me, he also picked up one of those water globes.  I'm sure you've seen them on TV.
I'll admit, I use to make fun of the things.  They are a little silly looking.  However, Michael was just trying to save the poor thing.  I have no idea how much he paid for them, but I'm hoping not more than $10.

We stuck the thing in the plant and let it go to work.

Guess what?  IT WORKED!
First of all, that little bulb thing was empty in 3 or 4 days.  That means my every two (or three... or four) weeks of watering wasn't really cutting it.

Not only that, but our plant started looking better almost immediately.
The color and the texture of the leaves improved in a day or two.  Who knew?

So now I have a silly blue ball in my plant... but I don't have to worry about watering it, or killing it.
Thank goodness for aqua balls and husbands who care about the things I kill! :)


  1. LOL!! I did not give you shady advice . .. My plants are doing just fine. . . . ;-)

    Thank the Lord for Michael! ;-)

  2. We must get our black thumbs from somewhere in the Gjert line....because I typically have had a black thumb too - its taken being married to Christopher for 5 years to put a little green on it!
