Thursday, August 14, 2014

I confess...

I confess...
Both of my children are napping at the same time.  My house sort of looks like a bomb went off, yet I am sitting here blogging. :)

I confess...
The only baby food that I did not make from scratch for Olivia was prunes.  It was just too complicated, so I bought the Gerber ones.  She is 3 and still eats baby food prunes.  Not because she needs them, but because she loves them.  I've tried to get her to eat a real prune with no such luck.  I guess there could be worse things...

I confess...
(Speaking of baby food) Logan is just not interested in baby food at all.  He takes one bite and then pretty much puts the whole thing on lock down.  I think we are just going to try again in a few weeks.  There is no point in pushing the issue.

I confess...
I've had multiple people make comments to me lately about how I "find fun and free (or cheap) things for my family to do" and they are impressed.  I'm actually pretty pleased with myself.  There are a lot of things that Michael and I wish we could do for or with our kids that we just can't at this time.  So I sort of pride myself on the fact that I can find budget friendly fun for our family.

I confess...
Logan has taken a real liking to Michael, and I'm wondering what the heck is up.  I thought I had at least 6 more months before he turned on me... ;)

I confess...
Some of the women at our freezer meal thing weren't the brightest, and after several comments where I was left shaking my head I eventually just lost it.  To the point where I was crying from laughter.  I could not contain myself.  How does one accidently use the entire 20 ounces of sour cream in a recipe that calls for 1/3 cup... and then not realize it until you get to another recipe where you need sour  cream??  I laughed just as hard retelling the story to Michael.

I confess...
I keep checking out books from the library... all excited about my find... and then not reading them at all.  What is wrong with me?  I need to work on this.

I confess...
As much as I love being a stay at home mom and doing educational stuff with Olivia, I am really excited (and ready!) for her to start preschool.  I think it will be so good for all of us!

I confess...
M&M's were the motivator that got Olivia to start pulling up her pants after going potty.  Now if only she could reach the water to turn it on, so that she could do the whole process on her own, I'd be grateful.

I confess...
I cannot believe that schools started yesterday around here.  That is absolutely insane to me.  Since when did we start going to school in the second week of August!?!

I confess...
I don't miss the classroom.  I miss aspects of it sometimes, but overall I am not sad that I didn't spend the last 2 weeks giving enormous amounts of time and money to set up a classroom, etc.  My choice to stay at home is a huge sacrifice for our family, but one that both Michael and I believe in.

I confess...
I had nothing else to share, so you got this boring blog today.  Sorry. Sort of. :)

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