Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Move with Music

One of our local libraries has a "Move with Music" class that you can sign up for.  Space is limited and it's free, so I made sure to register us. It runs four weeks long and is one day a week for a half an hour.  I took Little Man to it back in the day, so I knew to sign us up.

Music is important, but at this point we aren't in any class.  The one reasonably priced class that has a teacher I really like is on our MOPS days, so for now we are just supplementing with things like this.

We got to the library about a half our early.  It is one that Olivia had never been to, so we explored the children's section.

When it was time for class she walked in and said, "Welcome to our classroom!"... which made me laugh.  She told the teacher her name and got her name tag.

She spent the five minutes while we waited running around me in circles and all excited.
But as soon as the class started it was a different story.

Her fingers went in her mouth and she just stood around and watched.
We have 3 more classes to go to, so we'll see if she warms up.  She seemed to enjoy it nonetheless.

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