Thursday, May 12, 2011

Info from my Doctor's appointment

Well, yesterday's doctor's appointment wasn't all that great.  It started out with the normal urine sample and weight check.  Nothing was said about either of those.  (Although, I don't know how quickly the urine is tested.  I could get a phone call today if there was a problem.)

From there I always go into the room and have my blood pressure taken.  She took it and said it was 130/80.  It sounded high to me, so I asked if it was alright and she said it was "border line".  In case you aren't aware, when you are pregnant it's not the actual number that is the issue.  They base any problems on your personal blood pressure history.  So if your numbers are up 30 points from your normal/starting blood pressure, then there could be cause for concern.  I'm not sure what my starting/normal blood pressure is, but I know it's always been good (in the lower range).  This caused me a little concern.

My doctor was out for whatever reason, so I saw the nurse practitioner.  When she came in we were talking about other unfriendly issues that have crept up in the last week.  (Not to be discussed on the internet! :)  She took the babies heart beat and said she sounded good.  Then she measured me.  She said, "How many weeks along are you?"  Right then I knew it wasn't good.  I said that I was 31 and a half weeks.  She then told me that I was measuring big.  This has been my fear all along!  She said not to freak out about it.  It doesn't mean I'm having a 12 pound baby.  She said it could have to do with how the baby is positioned.  She said we'd go ahead and schedule an ultrasound for the next visit.  Michael had some concerns since we've had 5 now, so she said we were fine to wait.  If I come in next time and am still measuring big, then we will for sure have to order an ultrasound.  Right now I am measuring at 34 weeks.  That is TWO AND A HALF weeks early.  Two weeks ago I was only measuring a half a week early, which is considered normal.  Holy cow that's a big jump!  I told her that I was worried because both Michael and I were almost 9 pound babies.  She said, "Oh... well, you know that does factor in to this."  Yes, yes I know.  Thank you.

She then went into talking about my blood pressure.  She said she could see my feet were swollen.  She asked other questions, like have I been getting headaches.  I just started to get them this week.  She said right now it is not cause for huge concern.  I have to watch my salt intake, stop drinking soda, drink lots of water (which I already do), and make sure to put my feet up more.  Then she gave me a few things to look out for and said if any of those happen to call them right away.  She said if I come back in two weeks and these things haven't helped, or it's gotten worse, then we may have a problem.

I asked about being induced if the baby remains big or keeps growing at a rapid rate.  She said the earliest they induce (for a big baby) is 38 weeks.  Just because you have a big baby doesn't mean you have a fully developed baby.  They normally do c-sections and inductions on Tuesdays, so if I am induced at 38 weeks, I would go in June 28th.

She then had me lay on my left side for a little while and have my blood pressure checked again.  It was down to 122/70.

So while she repeated that at this point I should not worry, I am (of course) worrying.  I don't want preeclampsia or a 10 pound baby.  I am going to do my best to follow the instructions given and I guess we'll find out in 2 weeks what the update is.  My next appointment is Wednesday the 25th.

1 comment:

  1. well since I had preeclampsia w/ Ryan, I can relate to what you're going through. I know you can't do it too often when you're working, but if you're sitting down always prop your legs up for awhile, to get the blood flowing and swelling down, don't stand for long periods, walk for long periods, quick showers, get ready sitting down, quick meals...etc. Your BP was MUCH lower than mine was, so I really wouldn't be very concerned right now, but do try to monitor it (I had to have mine taken every week, thankfully my friend is a nurse and came to my house every week!)

    As far as measuring big--honestly TAKE IT W/ A GRAIN OF SALT...really. I was measuring big w/ BOTH kiddos and honestly they weren't that big, 8 2.5 for Ryan and 7 15.5 for Molly (ok she was a week early but still) Just because you were 9lbs doesn't mean you will have a 9lb baby (I was 6 btw and Jimmy was 7 something). Plus one week your measuring big, the next week your right on track, babies have growth spurts and grow at different rates, so that could be the reason. (My friend was told she was going to have a 9lb baby according to her measuring AND an ultrasound, her little guy was barely over 6lbs when he was born..and that was 4 years ago, technology hasn't improved THAT much). TRY not to worry too much! love ya!
