Thursday, May 19, 2011


I had to show up for work on Monday morning at 6:15 AM.  Since then, I have been on duty 24 hours a day.  G flew back to Ohio on Monday morning and K has been at a conference out of town since Sunday night.  She gets home today, but goes straight from the airport to work.  I will work a normal day, and get off sometime tonight around 6 or 6:30.  As you can imagine, I'm a little drained.  (Yes, I realize this is what parenting will be like, but what you must realize is that dealing with someone else's kid is always different than dealing with your own.  You have to play by their rules.)

Pregnancy brain is in full effect. I've done all sorts of stupid things this week, including backing my car into the garage instead of pulling in like I've done for the last 5 months.  I feel like I am getting more than my normal amount of sleep (because I have to go to bed when LM does--long story), but I am still always tired.  The swelling comes and goes.  I've been chugging water like a crazy, and am actually quite sick of it.  I have been asked five bajillion questions by a five year old and have seriously reached my limit.

All that to say....... no fun post today.  Who knows, there may not be one tomorrow either.  On the bright side, I just realized last night that in one week I will be on VACATION!!!!  Oh how I am looking forward to that.

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