Monday, March 3, 2014

Penguin Art

We are creeping up on Logan's one month mark (can you believe it?), so life is slowly starting to get back to "normal".  Olivia has been a trooper, but adjusting to a newborn and being housebound day in and day out is getting old.  Logan was taking a great morning nap, so Olivia and I sat down to do a little art project.

I found this penguin idea on Pinterest.  Since it was made with hearts, I had every intention of doing it during the month of February.  Of course that didn't happen. But since we just got yet another snow fall, I didn't feel bad about doing a penguin craft in March. :)

I'm pretty sure I spent more time "prepping" for the craft than time that was actually spent putting it together, but that's alright.  Olivia still enjoyed it.

She loved that she got to use glue.  I think this was a first for her.  Although she still needed help squeezing enough out.

She would put the littlest drop on it and say, "I did it!" over and over. :)

We had to improvise a bit. I didn't have any white construction paper, so we had to use printer paper. I also didn't have any big googly eyes, so she made the eyes out of paper.

"It's a penguin!"

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