Thursday, January 12, 2012

I confess...

I confess...
I really enjoy making Olivia's baby food, but I bought jarred prunes.  I can't bring myself to make them.  You don't just get the Sun Maid kind and blend them up (hello sugar and preservatives!).  You have to get dried plums and rehydrate them with water and blah blah blah.  For the few times she'll eat prunes, I'm alright with the store bought kind.

I confess...
I bought organic fruits and vegetables for Olivia and then horribly unhealthy stuff for Michael and I.  I know I need to be healthier, but I was in a hurry and it was cheap.

I confess...
The doctor called and I have high cholesterol.  This isn't shocking, since it has been high since I was a preteen.  I suppose I need to stop buying said crap and start eating oatmeal every morning.  I'll start next week. ;)

I confess...
I'm pretty sure I would be alright to be "one and done".  It's not because I don't love my daughter or that I don't love being a mom.  I love both.  But working and being her full time caregiver is a lot.  I can't imagine adding another child to the mix.  Plus, kids are expensive.  I'd rather give one the best of me than spread myself even thinner.  I'm sure my mind (and circumstances) will change in time.  I don't think we will be one and done simply because we want Olivia to have a sibling.

I confess...
Being a working "stay at home" mom isn't all it's cracked up to be.  Don't get me wrong--I am very grateful to have a job.  I am also very grateful that I can be with my daughter all day.  However, it's a LOT of work.  If I don't have one, I have the other and sometimes I have them both.  Some might say that would be like being a parent to two, but it's not really.  I have to play by someone else's rules.  I have to be on someone else's schedule.  I miss out on some of the benefits of being a stay at home mom (if it's a rough day you can just stay home, etc.).  I also miss out on some of the benefits of being a working mom (having a half hour lunch break to eat in peace and gather your thoughts, etc.)  My daughter is on someone else's schedule.  Depending on the day and the activity, she is in and out of the car up to 5 times.  I hate that.  Like I said, I am grateful.  It's just not as peachy as everyone makes it out to be.

I confess...
I am SHOCKED at how ignorant some of my mommy friends are.  To the point of covering their ears and saying "la la la" when they don't want to hear something.  Or not knowing basic things, like crib bumpers aren't recommended for babies under the age of 1.  (It's one thing to not agree.  It's a different story to not even know.)  I realize that I read and research a lot.  I also realize that I am always spewing out facts and tidbits of information to my friends.  However, wouldn't you rather know?  Why would you not want to do what is best for your child?  Ignorance isn't bliss.  Ignorance is ignorance.  Yes.  I said that to one of my friends. :)  (I'm not even going to share the examples with you that I really want to.  That would just be mean.  I'm pretty sure you'd be shocked too.)

I confess...
I just bought a shopping cart cover.  I wasn't going to get one because Consumer Reports said they are just as germy as using the cart.  But now I have a baby... and she doesn't sit up very well on her own... and I can't push her in the stroller and get everything I need to get...  So I caved.  Also, I'm not a germaphobe, but the thought of her leaning over and sucking the cart handle grosses me out.  I'm positive it would happen.  I'm hoping the cover works out.  We've yet to use it.

I confess...
I rock Olivia to sleep and I don't feel a bit bad about it. (gasp!!)  I keep reading all these posts online about sleep training and "Help! my baby wakes up every 2 to 3 hours now" and blah blah blah.  I'm not saying I'll never sleep train.  I absolutely will if and when it becomes necessary.  The way I see it, she's only a baby for a little bit.  Back in the day--before the 8,000 books on what to do to get your baby to sleep--lots of babies were rocked to sleep.  Generation after generation turned out alright.  Babies are meant to be rocked.  She falls asleep in minutes, transfers to her crib just fine, and sleeps for 12 hours.  I don't see how that is a bad thing.  If I am creating a bad habit (which I very well could be), I'd rather "train" her when she's a little older than when she's still so young.

I confess...
I can't really get into pinterest.  Everyone thinks it would be so my thing.  Normally, I think it would be.  Having a baby has zapped my creativity.  Plus, I have no money to craft, so why look.  "Pinning" clothing ideas or movies seems very strange to me?!?!  I don't get that.  I got an email from a friend saying she expected me to have "awesome boards" and they are blank.  Why yes they are.  I may still get into it.  However, half of what I see pinned is literally from years and YEARS ago.  Seriously.  I realize it's new to some people, but for someone like me who has been looking at craft blogs for 5 years--I get annoyed.

I confess...
While I'm at it, I don't get TOMS.  I mean, I know that they give shoes to those in need.  But they are UGLY.  Why is ugly so popular?  And expensive.  I would much rather give $25 to buy someone in need a pair of shoes, then spend $60 on cheap and ugly shoes.  Peoples toes are constantly peeping out of those poorly made things.  Yuck.  I don't get it... right along with Coach purses, Louis Vuitton and Uggs.  Man, I'm so glad I don't buy into the names.

I confess...

I wrote out a confession three times now about Olivia not being vaccinated and being as healthy as can be.  Unfortunately, I feel as though the rest of my thoughts on that topic wouldn't come across as being very nice so I've deleted it.  I confess that I am now censoring my OWN blog even more.  How frustrating. So much for the many layers........

I confess...
I think I need to choose a new font.  This one makes all my exclamation points look like I added an L to the word.

1 comment:

  1. why censor your own blog? it's YOUR blog you can say whatever you want to say! This is an outlet for you and your thoughts, not to please others!

    Love you!
