Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sorting by Color

Since Olivia knows her colors, I thought it was time to try to do a simple sorting activity.  I tried this activity out about three weeks ago.  She put one matching button in each bowl and then was done.  I tried to show her that she could keep going, but she wasn't interested.  I planned on trying the activity again in a weeks time, but then things got busy.  I finally sat down with her last week to try this activity again.  It's obvious to me that she knows how to match.  She did it the first time and she does it with other toys we play with.  I just wanted to reinforce the skill and to show her that it goes beyond putting just one button in each bowl.

She saw me grab the bowl and the buttons and got super excited.  I could not sit down fast enough for her.  She knew right what to do!

The teacher in me likes to show her the process of thinking sometimes.
I didn't do it this time, but it was apparent that she had picked up on it.  She purposely put the purple button in the green bowl.  Then she said, "That match?  Nooooo, that's purple button and green bowl!"  Ha ha!

She had one button in each bowl and then stopped.  I encouraged her to keep going.  So she took the purple button OUT of the purple bowl and replaced it with a different purple button.

So I had to show her that more than one could go in each.  I put a few orange ones in the orange bowl.  Then she decided she could keep going.
(Side note--does anyone else's toddlers sit in a T? We're trying to figure out if she's double jointed)

She did a lot of talking about the shapes all on her own.

Proud of herself!

With five left in the bowl, she decided she was done.  She started stacking the bowls and said, "All done! Clean up!"  And that was the end of that.  Color sorting: CHECK

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