Friday, October 5, 2012

15 Months!

We had Olivia's 15 month appointment on Monday.

Her stats are:

Height: 32 inches, 89th percentile
Weight: 24 lbs 15.5 oz, 79th percentile
Head circum: 19.25, 99th percentile

So as you can see, her head has remained the same.  It's been in the 99th percentile since she was 6 months old.  I asked the doctor about it.  So many people comment and give their stories, that I wanted to make sure it wasn't an issue.  She said it wasn't. That there were two reasons for a big head.  Either larger brain mass (which would mean something was wrong, like autism, etc) or it's genetics.  She said that since Olivia is obviously developing normal that it is just genetics.  Then she followed that up with, "You have a pretty big head."  Why thank you doctor.  Chubby cheeks does not equal big head!  I'm pretty sure she gets her big head from Michael, but whatever.

She gained an inch since her 12 month appointment.  Even though the percentile went from 95 down to 89, the doctor once again commented on how she is "a tall girl".  Yep, we got it!

That brings us to her weight.  Yeah.......... so it turns out we've been starving her.  Ok, not starving her, but we should have been letting her eat more.  She would throw fits after every meal like she was still hungry, but we just didn't believe she'd stop herself.  She has never really stopped herself.  She was eating more than adult size portions and her tummy would be big and hard, so I'd cut her off.  Apparently, I should have just let her keep going.  The doctor said that it's perfectly normal for toddlers this age to eat more than an adult.  I understood that she was burning more calories now that she was on the go, I just didn't want to be overfeeding her.  I guess maybe we were more sensitive about this issue because she is such "a big girl".  Now I feel bad/guilty.

The other part of that is that she eats SO healthy that all the fruits and vegetables aren't sustaining her.  She does eat a fair amount of protein, but apparently I need to up the amount.  (You would think a whole piece of fish or half a chicken breast would be enough!)  She also said to add in more of the healthier starches.  I'm not always good about that.  You know... the whole starch is evil mindset.  Our pediatrician eats clean herself, and obviously because she is holistic that is the approach she goes with.  She gave me a list of ideas.  Now I need to figure out how to cook them.

She was 24 1/2 pounds at a year and essentially 25 pounds at this appointment.  The doctor said that it is normal for them to start slowing down on their weight gain.  She showed me the chart that had the graph on it and said, "but the line shouldn't really be going straight across".  A half a pound weight gain in 3 months basically was making a straight line.  She wasn't worried or concerned, but she did say to let her eat more if she wants to.

She also said that we should be down to 2 cups of milk a day.  We were still giving one at every meal, so now she is just getting water with her lunch.  (I don't know if this is the recommendation because she is on almond/coconut milk or if that is for all 15 month olds?!)

She said she was getting all 4 of her molars at the same time.  One had actually started to poke through and the other 3 were very close.  I had a feeling.  On top of that, she got two of her top side teeth in last week.  So she was basically getting 6 teeth in at one time.  One molar at a time would have been enough, but all 4.  Geesh!

It hasn't been too big of a deal.  We did notice a lot more drool and that she was chewing on her fingers more.  The one big difference is she suddenly didn't want to eat.  It was literally over night.  She went from eating anything and everything to being very picky and hardly eating at all.  How ironic.  She finally gets the green light to eat, eat, eat and now she starts eating like a bird!

The doctor was impressed with the number of words she has.  She just said she might be advanced in that area.  The average is 10 to 15 words by 15 months.  By age 2 she should have 50 to 200 words.  She said that if she's already at 50 words, then she will likely be one of those two year olds who is already stringing sentences together.  She said it could be a sign that she's gifted, or it could just be that she excels in this area.  I'm thinking that since I'm a talker, it's just that she is going to be good with words.

That's really about it.  Everything else checked out well.  She got two shots and we were good to go.

Other 15 month facts:

She is still a good sleeper.  She has been going to bed a little later recently.  She goes to bed anywhere between 7 and 8 (depending on naps) and sleeps until 7.  She is up every morning at 7 like clock work.  It doesn't matter what time she went to bed.  Then she still takes 2 naps.  Together they average about 2 1/2 to 3 hours.

She still eats 3 meals and one snack.  She drinks almond/coconut milk and water.

She is in size 18 months clothing.  I've bought 24 month stuff for fall and winter at the consignment sales, but I don't know now.  Most of her 18 month stuff is summer.  Thankfully we are in TX, so even though it's fall, the temperatures are still summer like.  Most of her 18 month clothing still fits her and some of it is even a bit big.  I have a handful of 18 month stuff that is for cooler weather.  I'm trying to hold out on buying more until it starts to get cold and stays cold.  We've had a few cold days here and there, but it will likely be in the 80's for the rest of the month.  Buying clothes for the right size/season is so tricky with her.  Anyone else have these issues?

For shoes she mostly wears pedipeds.  She is currently in a size 12 to 18 months, but will be moving up to 18 to 24 months shortly.  She has a few other pairs of shoes that I got at a consignment sale and in those she is in a size 5.  She doesn't walk as well in the clunky soled shoes though, so we don't wear them a ton.

She is in a size 5 for diapers.

Overall, now that she can walk and sort of talk, she is a pretty happy little girl.  She throws a tantrum here or there, but it's not too bad.  She's not really moody either.  She's generally just in a good mood.

Once she picked up on walking she wasn't into books so much.  She wanted to be on the move.  Now that the newness has worn off, she's back to loving books.  She will go get one off the shelf, bring it to us, and say "please".

She also loves her balls, toy food, puzzles, stuffed animals, picnic basket and her Little People toys (we have the house, the zoo, and the farm).

She likes to put things in containers and take them out.  She also likes to count as she's doing this.

She loves anything related to music and will request that I sing to her over and over again (by doing signs or saying one of the words to the song)

She doesn't watch TV every day, but when she does, she loves Elmo.  She will watch the music part of other shows (Veggie Tales, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), but Elmo's World is the only thing that actually keeps her full attention.

Laundry is one of her favorite things.  She likes to sort the dirty clothes and "help" fold the clean ones.  She pulls them out of the basket and shakes the wrinkles out. :)

I've mentioned this before, but she loves shoes and accessories.  She likes to try to wear my shoes, necklaces and scarfs.  She also makes her clothes into a "scarf".

In the past I've mentioned that she isn't very affectionate.  That has suddenly changed and now she gives hugs and kisses freely.  She'll walk up to me while I'm working in the kitchen, hug my legs and say love you.  She'll give hugs after diaper changes.  She likes to give kisses and gives them in multiples with the kiss sound included (mwah!)

She loves brushing teeth.  She'll practically run to the bathroom when it's time.  The other night she was ready for bed and she showed us that she wanted to go brush her teeth.  I love that when she's tired she asks to go to bed!  It's one of the few characteristics she got from me. :)

1 comment:

  1. Olivia is perfection in every way. I can't believe that people would make comments about the size of her head, how rude! She's perfect just like she is. Ignore the rude comments and pay no attention, that includes the doctor. She's a little piece of heaven and she's beautiful and perfect!
