Wednesday, December 28, 2011

6 Month Check Up

We went to Olivia's 6 month well visit yesterday.
She is 28 1/2 inches, which is the 99th percentile.
She is 20 pounds 1 ounce, which is the 98th percentile.
Her head circumference is 18 inches, which is the 99th percentile.
Near perfect! ;)

When the nurse took her temp and length she couldn't see me and started crying.  I just got her calmed down and the doctor came in.  He didn't even go near her and she screamed bloody murder.  She's never been that upset about a stranger before.  He said, "So she's starting the stranger anxiety?"  I said yes, that it had started last week.  He said it's a good thing and is normal.  He was so good about it.  He did the rest of the visit with her on my lap.  He even handed his stethoscope to me and had me put on her chest and move it around.  He is not our normal doctor, but rather a different one in the practice.  I really liked him.

(How can a 6 month old have so much sass?  Oh right--she's mine!)

 He was not the least bit concerned about her size.  He just kept saying how healthy she was.  He said, "She must be a good sleeper."  Ha!  Sure.  No, really, 14 hours a day is good.  He said that she is proportionate and there is nothing to worry about.  If she was 98th in weight but 30th for height (or something like that), then we'd have a problem.  He said we are feeding her exactly the amount we should be.  Michael asked if it was an indication that she would be tall or big when she grew up.  He said not necessarily.  He said some babies are just big.  He went on to say that if she goes well above the 99th percentile for weight and stays there, then we would talk about decreasing the formula intake and upping the solids.

He reiterated what I said yesterday--that her main source for her first year should be formula and solids as "the icing on the cake".  He asked if we had started solids.  When I said she had avocado and sweet potato he enthusiastically said, "Good! Good choices!"  Ha!  Yes, I knew that. Thanks doc! :)  Then he went on and on about how good avocados are and that it is a great food for babies. See all you people who judged (who don't really read my blog anyway)--I wasn't crazy!

We asked if we could go ahead and try a different formula.  Babies can grow out of MSPI.
Some doctors say to wait until they are 6 months.  Some say to wait until 9 months.  Others say wait until a year and then try cows milk.  $300 a month for formula is killing us.  If we can at least try something different then we'd like to.  He gave us the OK to give it a shot.  We have about a day of Alimentum left and then we are going to try the Similac Sensitive.  Since she is already drinking the Ready to Feed, we decided to go ahead and try that to start.  If it works, we will likely switch to the powder (which she's had before).  Even if we have to stick with the RTF, it is $3 cheaper a bottle, which would save us close to a hundred dollars a month.  If she needs the Alimentum, then by all means we will continue to buy it for her.  We'd just like to at least see if she's grown out of it. (PRAY!)

We can't introduce any new solids while we are trying this experiment.  Otherwise we wouldn't know if it was the formula or the new food that is causing a reaction.  I guess it's a good thing she likes avocado and sweet potatoes! :)

She got her DTaP booster. When she was crying after the nurse took her stats I joked that she was probably crying more at that point then she would when she would get her shot.  I was right.  She didn't even flinch when she got the shot.  I'm honestly not even sure if she knew she got one! :)  We go back in a month to get the Hib and PCV booster.

I asked the doctor if we had to get her the flu shot.  I am not a fan.  I have never had one--even when I was teaching.  I don't plan on getting one ever.  I think the last time I had the flu was in 5th grade.  Even if I get the flu tomorrow (knock on wood that I don't), I stand behind my decision to avoid the flu shot.  Therefore, I really didn't want to get it for Olivia.  However, if the doctor had said it was a must then I would have done it.  When I asked if she had to get it he kind of chuckled.  Before he answered I said, "Because I'd really rather her not".  Then he said, "Well if you'd rather she not then I'd prefer she not".  Meaning, he wasn't a fan either.  He gave us a name of an over the counter homeopathic spray that we can use.  For babies you spray it under their tongue a couple of times a week to prevent it.  If they get the flu, you can use it to help improve the symptoms.  I like the idea of that much better than injecting her with all that gunk.  I'm really not a hippie.  I swear.  But I sure do love my holistic pediatricians! :)

1 comment:

  1. Her sassy picture is hilarious! :-)

    Love it!

