Monday, December 24, 2012

Project 366: Weeks 48, 49, & 50

330.  Remember I said I only had blurry cell phone pics?  Olivia opened Christmas gifts from her grandma and was playing with her new laptop.

331. A little blurry I know (she moves to fast for my phone), but this picture cracks me up!

332. Having a lazy day with mommy

333. I had pulled the scale out to see what kind of damage the 10 days of vacation had done.  It was in the middle of the bathroom floor, and Olivia decided she needed to give it a try.

334. Playing with her new magnetic animals

335.  Painting her Christmas tree

336. Playing on her new laptop with Boppa

337. Building towers

338. Admiring the Christmas tree

339. Playing with her zoo

340. Having the elephant blow hair in her ear, which she thought was hilarious

341. She was trying to be brave and let her (male) teacher help her at TLG.  Usually she gives him a hard time!

342. I got her these mini puzzles for our road trip and she LOVES them.  They are animals, of course.

343. It was a beautiful day, so we headed to the park.  She was learning how to blow on the dead dandilions.

344.  This week started the sickness (that has yet to fully leave us!).  She woke up at 3 in the morning. She was coughing and couldn't breath because she was all congested. She does NOT want to be held when she is sick.  So I just put her down on the ground.  She stopped crying and just sat and stared at the Christmas tree for the longest time.

345. Coloring!

346. Playing

347. We had to run an errand. She still wasn't feeling the best.

348. Carrying around Boppa's dirty shirt.  I would take it away and put it back in the dirty laundry basket.  Then anytime she gained access to our bedroom, she'd go and grab it out of the closet again. Stinker.

349. I sent this picture to Michael with the tagline "You know it's rough when..." She NEVER falls asleep in the car.  EVER.

350. One of the last days with a paci.  She was sick and I wasn't caring...

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