Sunday, December 30, 2012

Do-A-Dot Christmas Art

Olivia is at the age where she is really starting to like to do creative things.  She is also at the age where we need to break something new out every once in a while to take a break from the same old toys, books, and routine.

I know I've shared my love of the Do-A-Dot dabbers before. I used them often with Little Man when he was younger.  They are a great easy way to do some "painting".

Michael's mom bought O some art supplies and these were part of the deal.  I decided that the weekend before Christmas was a good time for us to do them.  We did get a book of ABC's, but I decided to print off some Christmas themed Do-A-Dot art. There are lots of free printables out there!

I told Michael that people are going to think I am torturing Olivia with the crafts.  This is the 3rd crafting post in the last month and she isn't smiling in ANY of them.  It's not because she doesn't like them.  She actually loves doing them.  It's just that she's concentrating.  Poor girl.  I can totally relate.  When I was teaching, people use to ask me all the time "What's wrong?".  It wasn't that anything was wrong.  My normal "thinking face" just makes it look like I'm mad or something?!  So.... she really is having fun.  I promise! :)

She was more interested in putting the paint on her fingers than she was the paper.
Michael and I helped some with the tree picture.  Mostly just to get the paints "started".

But then we gave her a mitten and she did it all herself.
She would raise it up really high and then smash it down.

Yep, she's got some Gjertson in her!!! :)
I'm pretty sure I can find at least one picture of every single one of my FIVE siblings sticking out their tongues.  Oh, and my dad too.

Crafting takes concentration!

Both the Christmas tree and mitten are proudly being displayed on the fridge. 

There will be many more Do-A-Dot art projects in the future!

1 comment:

  1. No, I don't think you have pictures of me stickin my tongue out ~ I don't do that. :)

    But she looks like she's having fun! :)

    Love you B!
