Thursday, November 1, 2012


We are going to take a break in our giraffe-fest for this cute little series of pictures.

We were playing in Olivia's room last week, and I happened to have the camera because I was taking pictures of something we were doing.

She got up and went to her crib to try to get her paci.  She tries to sneak them out whenever she can.  However, on this day they were pretty far in the crib.

She was determined.
She kept switching arms, bending her legs, and trying anything she could think of.

I laughed and told her that paci was for night night and that it was too far in and she wasn't going to be able to get it.

She kept on.

After about 5 minutes of trying, she somehow managed to get just the right position where the very tip of her finger could touch the paci.  She ended up getting it.

She stuck it in her mouth, laughed, and gave me this stance.
 Then she turned around and took off down the hallway!

I guess the laugh was on me! :)

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