Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Leaf Walk

One of our homeschooling themes was leaves, so we went on a leaf walk to find some leaves to use.  We went to a local park that has a rather large pond and walking path.
The kids thought this was just great.

We had to search to find a variety of different sizes and colors.  She loved this really big one she found!

The path around the pond is about a mile, and I was regretting my decision half way through.  
It was SO HOT!

Logan had just gotten a new pair of tennis shoes, and he was cracking me up.  Apparently he thought they made him a star athlete! ;)

Thankfully there were a few benches along the way, but they'd only stop for a minute!

We were wishing we had brought something to feed the ducks!  Right after I took this picture, one of the ducks started to walk up to Logan a bit (looking for food) and he said, "Mommy! That duck just said hi to me!"  It made his day! :)

And then Olivia decided to try her hand at duck calls.  Ha ha!

We had a good walk, collected a bag of leaves, and played on the play ground for a bit after.  Despite melting, it was a good time.  I just can't wait for the temps to cool off so we can spend more time outside and enjoy it.  It's not as enjoyable when you leave drenched in sweat.  C'mon fall!

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