Monday, April 11, 2016

Frisco Art Festival

Last weekend there was an art festival in the Frisco square.  I decided to take Olivia on a mommy/daughter date and check it out.
Obviously she loves art, and we are always trying to show her that there are different ways to do art.  That what she views as "right" or "correct" is not the only way. That art is subjective, and that she doesn't have to always like it or appreciate it, but she has to be respectful to the artist.  (Example:  she gets bothered when little kids at MOPS color someones face purple on a coloring sheet, because it's not "right")

When she found out we were going to an art festival, she decided she needed to draw something to bring along.  She started at home, and then she finished in the car on the way there.  Then she went around trying to show everyone and tell them she's an artist too. She kills me! ;)

She had no issues talking with the artists at each tent.  She would tell them she liked their work.  Or pick out favorites.  One lady asked her if she liked art, and she responded with "Of course. I am an artist, after all".  then the lady asked her what kind of art she liked to do... paint or color.  She responded with, "I like all kinds of art."

We stopped in at Dimples for a cupcake!  These are the cupcakes we use to use for her monthly pictures.  She was a fan!

Mommy and Olivia with the tents behind us.  She said she was surprised that the tents were white.  When I told her we were going to an art festival, she was expecting the tents to be colorful or painted as well.

Playing around

A visit to the square wouldn't be complete without as top at the fountain.  She's loved these since she was a baby.

And since we had a little extra time before we had to pick the boys up for church, we walked over to the library.  We read a few books, and she put on a puppet show for me.  An artist, indeed.

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