Friday, September 1, 2017


Our last summer Life Group family night out was to a rollerskating rink!  Our friends have family that own a rink somewhat nearby.  It's been in their family for years, and they were nice enough to let us have the place to ourselves for a few hours!

Olivia was super excited!  She heard us throwing out ideas months ago, and when she heard she got to go skating she was thrilled.  She waited patiently all summer for it to finally be the day!

Logan's little skates = LOVE! So cute!

That had the little pushers to help the kids out.  It was still a bit of a challenge.  I ended up having to help skate with Logan most of the time.  I was really proud of Olivia though, because she stuck it out longer than any of the other kids.

They did allow the kids to bring their scooters.  After one time around in skates, Logan opted for shoes and scooter instead.  He did put the skates on again later, but only briefly.

I didn't actually get a ton of pictures, because I was SKATING!  I didn't want to fall on my phone, so I left it at the table.  All the adults were living our glory days and had a blast skating together.

Only half our crew was able to make it, but it was still a blast.  It was so fun to be able to take the kids, because it's not likely something we would seek out to do.

Love these kids and their parents!

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