Wednesday, January 31, 2018

New Year, New Word, New Adventure

Hello.  Yes, I do realize it's been nearly 4 months since my last post.  Not even my sister's annoying friendly texts to blog more could get me to sit down and document our life. Ha!  It's been a BUSY 4 months!  We had Halloween, had an amazing family vacation to Disney, celebrated Thanksgiving, kept up with all of our traditional advent activities, celebrated a 40th birthday (and a 38th), had a cozy Christmas, survived the flu (Logan), rang in the new year, and started a new adventure!  I am going to go back and document some of that--especially our Disney trip.  Not because I think you all want to hear about our 3 month old vacation, but because I want to remember the details. But for now, I'm going to start with my word for the year... which leads to the new adventure I mentioned. ๐Ÿ˜€

The story starts back sometime last year.  Working at Target got to the point of absolute ridiculousness.  I could elaborate for days, but to keep it short and sweet, it got to the point where I just needed to be done.  Every time I went into work there was a new rule, a new threat of a write up, and new job requirements.  There were many times where I wished I could just throw my hands up and say, "I quit".  But we all know that the responsible rule follower in me would never go for that.  One night in mid November, I stood in the candle aisle, with tears in my eyes asking myself "what in the world are you doing here? Why haven't you quit?".  I immediately heard in my spirit, "fear".  Wow.  Way to cut deep, God.  But it was true.  Ultimately, I was staying out of fear.

 I chose Target as a side job to bring in extra money to pay off debt.  I chose it to have the discount work for me.  I chose it because it meant I could stay home with my children (as opposed to using my degree and teaching, and sending them to daycare).  I chose it because the pay was decent, and the hours worked for me. When it came to quitting, I really didn't want to trade in one "dumb job for another dumb job".  So I stayed.  I often looked for alternatives, but never did anything about it.  Until that night in November.  I knew exactly what I had to do.

I have often struggled/argued/battled with God.  Why did He put the calling on my life to be a teacher, but also put a strong conviction to be a stay at home mom?  Why not make me one of those mom's who wants to go to work?? There are plenty of those.  I know.  They are my friends!  Or why not make my calling something I could do while staying at home?  Or why not magically just make me rich? ๐Ÿ˜‰  I could not reconcile the two...

Until now!  I went home and the very next day applied for an online teaching position.  I had seen it advertised many times over the last few months.  Whenever I looked into it, it overwhelmed me.  The application process was like 5 steps.  The pay seemed too good to be true.  There had to be a catch...  But after being miserable for months at Target, and hearing God tell me I was living out of fear, I just went ahead and went for it.  The process was a little crazy, but I pushed through with confidence.

I was hired within an hour of my online interview!  I've been teaching English to little kids in China since the beginning of December.

The curriculum is provided for me, the pay is significantly more than I was making at Target, I can set my own hours and work as little or as much as I want, I can wear my pajama pants, and it is FUN!

There is a time difference (obviously), so the best times for me to teach are early mornings.  That is their evening.  My goal is to teach from 5 AM to 7 AM Monday through Friday.  I also teach a few classes on Friday nights, because that is their Saturday.  I am an independent contractor, so they have to choose me.  So my schedule isn't completely full yet, but it's getting there!

I get fun feedback like this--Bob is a 5 year old little boy who is in love with me! ๐Ÿ˜  And I've never been called patient so much in my life! ha ha!

Not only do I get to teach AND be home with my kids, but I miss out on less family time.  Instead of leaving after dinner a few nights a week, I will be up and done with work before they even wake up.

It's been a little rough these last few months, though.  I've gotten home from Target at midnight, only to wake up at 4:30 to teach.  I knew it was for a season, though.  So I pushed through.  I put in my two week at Target last night, and I couldn't be happier.

My word for 2018...

It's going to be a good year! ๐Ÿ˜

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - I had no idea! No wonder we haven't heard from you in a while! I am so proud of you for taking the risk & being fearless. I am confident you will have a great year :)
