Friday, February 22, 2013

Photo Dump Friday

The little fashionista leaving MOPS with the beloved "butterfly for mama!"

"Painting" with water... she was so proud to have full access to the water. :)

Ha! Her face! I pulled an old toy down from the closet and it became a "new toy" for a good thirty minutes!

She loves to "hang" from the bars at TLG.  She's not quite strong enough to hold her body weight though.

Worn out!

Aww... Michael got tired and was taking a nap.  Olivia just snuggled right up to work on her puzzle.

CHEESING!!!!!!  She cracks herself up.  She says, "I'm funny" or "too funny" or "so funny" and then tucks her chin in and does this crazy laugh.  She is a riot!

Although, in all honesty, this is what was happening twenty minutes before that picture....
She has taken to throwing herself on the floor for her tantrums and I almost never know what the heck she is crying about!!  Ready for this phase to be over...


One of the reasons I don't mind that Clifford comes everywhere with us.... when we get home, I throw him up to the top of the stairs.  Olivia thinks it's hilarious, and it motivates her to actually climb the stairs.  Otherwise she usually just sits at the bottom.

Just doing a little reading after getting her jammies on.

It finally happened.  It took almost 20 months, but she did fall asleep in the middle of eating her lunch.
She woke up in the middle of the night Tuesday and was crying.  It was the kind where I couldn't just ignore it and she'd lay down and go back to sleep.  This happens every once in a while. Bad dreams?  I don't know.  But we were up for over an hour.  Then she got up early on Wednesday and spent all morning at MOPS.  We got home later than her normal lunch time. I tried to make it quick.  She was literally talking about her lunch one minute and snoring the next.  Sweet girl.

This is one of my new favorite pictures of her!!  Why does she look twice as old as she is? :(
Make it stop!!!

1 comment:

  1. She really is a little cutie! :-) Love all the pictures of her ~ they show her big personality!! :-)

    Love you!

