Saturday, February 23, 2013

20 Months

20.  That's so close to 24. Sigh.  I was doing good until 18 months! :)  Now, each month just reminds me how old she's getting, and that she's going to be a big girl before we know it!  That makes me a little sad.

So I should have planned ahead and used all of the pictures from yesterday to fill up this post.  But.... I didn't.  So I'm just going to share these two random videos from a week ago and give a few highlights.

 Most of the stuff is the same as at 18 months.  Shockingly, she can still wear some of her 18 month clothes, but for the most part she's in 24 months.  Some are still too big to wear.  I'm buying 24 month/2T stuff for spring and summer and hoping they'll work!  I might pick up a few smaller 3T's.  She's still in size 5 diapers.  We desperately need to get her new shoes (on the agenda for this weekend!).  She's somewhere around a size 6....WIDE!

She goes to bed around 8 (give or take) and wakes up around 7.  She naps once a day and it's usually from 12:30 to 2:30.  Some days are a little off, but that's our  general schedule for now.

We recently added orange juice to her diet.  I was pretty dead set against ANY juice.  It doesn't matter how "healthy" it is, it's loaded with sugar and not great for the teeth.  However, she has to take that nasty iron fortified vitamin stuff and her doctor suggested hiding it in OJ.  One to hide the taste, and two because iron is absorbed better when combined with vitamin C.  She LOVES it. Loves. Loves. Loves.  Too bad for her, she only gets one small glass a day, and not even every day.  She'd probably drink the whole jug if I let her. :)

She loves her ABC's.  She says the word "alphabet" and points out words (on our shirts, on signs, on labels, etc) and says "ABCD!!".  She can sing ABCDEFG.  Then she stops.  If I sing and stop at P, she'll pick right back up at QRS.  She sometimes throws other ones in here and there, but those are what she's most consistent with.  She also sort of sings, "next time won't you sing with me" but it's more like "time with me". :)

She loves anything ABC related.  The quilt her Grandma made her... touch and feel flashcards her Grandma bought her... puzzles... books... DVD's.  You name it.

She also likes numbers, and has recently counted to 12.  Well, as long as the number 11 isn't important to you. ;)  One day about two weeks ago she counted to 10 out of the blue.  I had no idea she even knew how and I was a little shocked!  Thrilled, but shocked!  I told Michael about it.  She doesn't ever do anything on demand when you want her to (like getting it on video), so I had no clue when he'd get to hear it.  Well, the next morning while he was getting ready, she let him in on her little secret and counted from 1 to 10 again all by herself.  Since the she's added 12 in and sometimes skips numbers like 3 or 5.  It's definitely not solid, but we're getting there.  Just like the alphabet, if I count and stop, she'll pick up right where I left off.  Once again, I was a little impressed.

She likes colors and shapes and that is mostly from some of those dollar bin books that she got at Christmas.  She LOVES books.  She has more books than any toddler I have ever known and she reads them ALL.  Recently her Grandma got her a shape puzzle.  I put it on the ground and she immediately said "Shapes!" Then picked one up and I said, "Oval".  She looked over, grabbed the diamond and said, "Diamond".  I had no clue she knew diamond.  I mean, I've read her the shape book many times, but I didn't know it stuck.  That happens all the time.  For her sake, I hope she remains a quick learner who can retain information easily!

We had a  Word World Christmas DVD that was bought in the clearance bin her first Christmas.  She saw it this year and has since taken a liking to Word World.  She asks for it by name.

Of course, she's in love with Clifford.  More so the actual dog than the show or books.

She loves all facets of art that she's had the privilege of trying--coloring, do-a-dot, stamps, water colors, finger paints, stickers, etc.

She enjoys her baby doll, but she will also make do with any stuffed animal handy.  She loves them all.  In fact, on any given night there are at least 5 different stuffed animals in her bed.  She doesn't want a blanket or pillow, but if you try to take the elephant lovie or owl pillow out, she WILL notice.  She also sleeps with Clifford, a bear she got from my dad her first Christmas and a sheep she got from my mom this Christmas.  A mini Elmo and Mickey have also made their way in a time or too.  Oh heck, so has a white dog she has and a pink bunny. We have plenty of stuffed animals!!!! 

Feeding her is a gamble.  She is a typical toddler.  She will love something one day and then hate it the next.  She gets what she gets though, so if she chooses not to eat, then that is up to her.  No short order cook here!  Things she asks for by name (favorites) are: yogurt, applesauce, hummus, banana and crackers.

While she seems to be excelling cognitively, she's a little slower with the some of her more physical (gross motor) skills.  This has been the case since she was a baby.  She's the only one in her Little Gym class that can't hang from the bars.  She doesn't have great upper body strength, and the poor girl has a lot of weight to have to hold up.  The ironic thing is, it's her favorite thing to do.  Her teacher's words of consolation to me were, "But she's very verbal!"  Nice!  She isn't a climber either.  I mean, so can climb.  She just doesn't.  She doesn't jump off things either.  I guess maybe because she's more cautious?  Anyway, it's something we're going to keep an eye on and try to encourage the best we can.

She is very orderly.  This has become apparent to others in her Little Gym class.  She's very deliberate about putting things away, taking her time, and liking things "just right".  Her teacher jokes that she's "OCD like mommy."  I don't know about that, but I don't think being orderly is a bad quality.  Michael is all for it as well. :)

She is a lot of fun.  She cracks me up DAILY.  She is sweet, affectionate, happy, observant, calm, thoughtful, and fun.  She has started the toddler tantrums here and there, and she does try my patience sometimes, but over all I think she's a pretty easy kid.  I love that she's mine. Tantrums and all.

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