Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Marriage Ref

Have you seen the new show The Marriage Ref on NBC?  They advertised for it like crazy throughout the Olympics and before, so I'm not sure how you could have not at least heard of it.  We watched the first show and I've also seen a few interviews with Jerry Seinfeld where clips were shown.  It's pretty funny!

The premise is a couple that has a marital issue/spat/complaint, airs their dirty laundry.  Three high profile celebs weigh in on the issue and give their opinion of whether the wife is right or the husband is right.  Then, "the ref" makes his call.  He tells the couple what he thinks, and that is it.

Obviously it's nothing binding.  It's all done in fun.  In all the interviews that I've seen with Jerry Seinfeld he's said that they don't tackle touchy subjects or serious issues.  It's a comedy show and the couples participating realize that it's in jest.

Well........ this got me thinking.  I have my own little complaint I'd like to share.  I'm going to let YOU be the ref on this one.  You can leave your "vote" in the comment section.

As you all know, I am trying to be frugal and stick to a budget.  However, when it comes to time management and making life easier on Michael's lunch packing, I will sometimes buy "convenience" packaging.  He has a job where he is constantly on the go and doesn't stop for a lunch.  He needs foods that can be quick, simple, and filling.

 For example, I will buy "to go" peanut butter

and applesauce
Everyone knows that buying convenience type stuff costs a little more.  I also buy a jar of applesauce or a jar of salsa for at home use.  Only, my dear husband will use the to-go items at home.  I realize this is a small issue, but it drives me crazy.  Especially when I am working hard to keep to a grocery budget.  Why can't you just pour yourself a bowl of salsa?  Why do you have to use the expensive little guys meant to make your lunch better?  Why?  He calls me "the food nazi".  I don't want to be... really.  I just want to save money.  Plus, then the big jar of salsa or applesauce sits in the fridge untouched for far too long.  See the dilemma?

So there you have it.
Who wins?

(Please note: This post is made for pure entertainment purposes with  permission from Michael.  If you've been reading for some time now, or know us in person, you know that Michael is a GREAT guy.  I know that if this is the biggest of our problems then I am extremely blessed.  Again, just for a laugh!)


  1. Sorry Michael--BETHANY WINS!!

    Seriously...pour the salsa in a bowl, don't use the to-go stuff! It's easy and it will save you more money :)

  2. I also agree with Bethany . . . However, to make seem like a neat little "to go" thing . . . Maybe Michael could use a ramekin?


  3. For the record, I never thought I was right. :)
