Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How Rude

Why is it that people who are on time are the minority?  It shouldn't be like that.  I am an on time person.  Why I am I punished because you can't get your act together?  Seriously.  It is SO RUDE to be late.  I'm not talking about the occasional lateness.  I understand things happen.  I've been stuck in traffic like everyone else.  I've been ready to walk out the door and spilled my coffee down my pants.  I've been down the street and had to turn around and go home to grab that item I had to have.  This is not what I'm referring to.  I'm referring to the chronic lateness.  The people that just can't get it together.  Why?  Why can't you get it together?  You are basically saying that your time is more important than mine.  How pompous of you.

I also can't stand when people use their kids as an excuse.  Let's keep it real.  You were chronically late before you had kids.  Don't blame your innocent child.  (Again, I understand the occasional blown out diaper, or the last minute change of clothes because of a throw up incident--not talking about this!)  I understand that I don't have a child of my own, but I have worked with children long enough to know that you CAN have a child and be on time.  If I can bundle up 22 six year olds, get them in a straight and quiet line, walk through the building, across the parking lot, and through another building, get them seated and coats off and STILL be on time for music or art or wherever we were going---you should be able to get one child ready to go.  I've also had to get a two year old ready to go... including diaper bag, snack, drinks for both of us, directions to where we were going, and any other thing I needed to take.  Not only are we usually on time, but most of the time we are early.  I promise it can be done.

So I'm not sure what your excuse is, but can we work on this character flaw?  I'd appreciate it.  Thank you!

(NOTE: This post is not about any one person in particular.  Just me sharing one of my pet peeves as I said I would when starting this blog.  Thanks for letting me vent.  I promise I'm not angry with anyone! :)

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