Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pinterest Finds

White Chicken Enchiladas
I think this was one of my first food pins.  Probably because the picture of the melted cheese looked yummy to me.  I've been cutting down on my dairy, but I'm a sucker for ooey gooey melted cheese.  I finally got around to making these.  I was slightly distracted in the food making process and put double the amount of chicken broth in the pot that I was suppose to.  Then I had to dump some out and try to rescue the meal.  I'm not sure if I got the exact ratio or not, but it still tasted good.  We enjoyed it.  It wasn't knock your socks off good, but it was easy enough and had a good flavor.

Pumpkin Smoothie

I love pretty much all things pumpkin... so when I saw a pin about a pumpkin smoothie it was a no brainer.  Ok. So when I pinned it, there was a recipe in the little tag line.  But if you go to the actual blog the recipe is different.  I made this the other day.  First I made the blog's recipe--minus the protein powder.  Um, GROSS!!!!  I knew there was a problem when it was asking for so much cinnamon and pumpkin spice.  I dumped the whole thing.  I tried again and followed the recipe on the actual pin.  This actually looked like the smoothie in the picture.  I'm not a huge fan of greek yogurt.  It's a little too tangy for me. That's all I could taste.  I realize it's meant to be a healthy smoothie, but I didn't love it.  Olivia did. :)

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Pancakes
I got this recipe from my cousin Sonja.  She had it pinned on Pinterest.  Our girls are only a few months apart and she already has two boys.  So when I was looking for some food ideas for when Olivia was younger, she passed this one along to me.  I make a batch and then freeze them in individual servings for Olivia to have for breakfast.  

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