I decided I wanted the edges a green color. I sort of liked the design around the edge, but the green wasn't quite the right shade. So I decided I would paint it green and add my own scrolls and embellishments. I ended up using a metallic colored green that I had from another project. It was very thin and after a few layers you could still see the design.... but I ended up liking it like that! I love it when "accidents" turn out to be awesome.
Then I bought some magnetic primer and chalkboard paint at Home Depot.
I was super excited when I found out you can get chalkboard paint that can be tinted a color!
I chose coffee because I thought it would go with the colors already in my kitchen.
So I got to work painting the magnetic paint on. It's very thick. It says it's best to do three thin coats as opposed to two thick ones, but I don't know how you can do a "thin" coat with that paint.
They shake the paint for you when you buy it, but you have to keep stirring it. Even after I painted one coat and let it dry for 30 minutes, it was needing another stir.
After the three "thin" coats were dry.
Then I had to paint the chalkboard paint on. It was super THIN. Especially compared to the magnetic paint. I was very worried after the first coat, because it hardly covered and you could see the black through the brown paint.
The finished product was actually brown. Phew!
Then I had to figure out how to attach it to the wall. I had seen some "disc" plate holders before somewhere (and stored them in my brain for later use). I got online and ordered one from Amazon for $1.50. (But I actually had a $2 code, so it was free. SCORE!)
*Please excuse the shadows. I apparently wasn't paying attention!
Anyway, different sizes can hold a different amount of weight. I bought a bigger one. I think it's suppose to hold five to seven pounds.
The back has a wallpaper like glue on it. You get your fingers wet and rub the glue around until it makes a sticky glue. Then you let it set for a few minutes.
Attach it to your clean plate tray. Let sit overnight and then hang!
The finished product...
The only thing is... the magnetic paint isn't all that strong. I had read a review somewhere that said you needed super strong magnets for it, so I sort of knew it going into it. But for the price... it should be stronger! Oh well. It's still cute and fun and will do for now.
Great job, B!! I like what you did with it ~ looks great in your kitchen!!