Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Dallas Arboretum--Dollar Days

In the month of August, the Dallas Arboretum does dollar days.  (Because it's so darn hot in Texas that they need to give an incentive for people to be out in the heat!)  The weather had been a little cooler, so we gave it a go.  What would have cost us around $77 ended up being $11.  Not bad!

It did end up being a little hotter than we were anticipating, but luckily they had these misters going everywhere.

It's been a few years since we've been, so this was our first time checking out the children's area.  It was awesome!

Pulling out the sword

And this is where the homeschooling mama got excited... we had just finished "sun" week.  Only it was cloudy/rainy/overcast the whole week--which is odd for Texas!  We were suppose to make a sundial, but there was no sun.  So we had to skip some of the activities. Then we came and there was a sundial on the ground!!  Can you tell what time it was?

And then she got to see the size of the sun compared to the planets.  Learning coming to life!

Our next week was going to be about the moon, so I made her take a picture by the moon phases.  I can't help it.  I was excited! :)


Do you watch Lion Guard?  I might have told her those were Rafiki's paintings. ;)

It was hot, so I just let them get wet in their clothes.

There's a big tree house that they played in

Then Michael took them down to the bottom while I stayed with the stroller.

We stopped to rest at one of the misters, and I found a little caterpillar.  Olivia let it crawl on her hand, and she as so excited about it.

We ended up leaving after just a few hours because of the heat.  But both Micheal and I thought it was a really neat place.  We didn't even get to the regular arboretum!  We are putting a membership on our Christmas list, for sure!

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