Friday, July 29, 2016

VBS, Take 2

Olivia finally had her last week of VBS. This is the one that we attended last year, and have been registered for since March!
It was the same Submerged theme that has been popular with so many this summer.

For anything that was lacking in decorations at the last VBS was made up for here!

They actually do 2 sessions.  The day time is just for preschool age kids with stay at home parents (because others are in day care).  Then they do an evening session for school age kids and any preschoolers that couldn't make it to the morning sessions.  They had 1150 students between the two!!!

Logan couldn't go this year, but he will be old enough next year.  He loved all of the decorations, and when we entered and excited they had bubbles falling from the sky.  Of course, that was a hit!

It was only for 4 mornings. They did Bible lessons, crafts, snacks, and learned songs.

Then on the last day, we picked her up at the same time, but went into the sanctuary for songs.

Singing and dancing

That wraps up our "camp" weeks.  We have one more week of summer fun next week--packed with play dates--and then we are going to start this Kindergarten business!  Olivia has been begging to start for weeks!

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