Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kids Say the Darndest Thing #2

Olivia: "We need to buy the Aladdin DVD"
Me: "There are a lot of scary parts."
Olivia: "Boppa can get rid of them" (He edits the digital copies and takes out all of the questionable parts.
Me: "That is pretty special that you have a Boppa that can do that for you."
Olivia: "Yeah. Well, that's why I have him in my family."

She went through a little Tinkerbell phase where she watched all of the fairy movies on Netflix.  She especially liked the one where Tinkerbell found out that Periwinkle is her sister.  She comments that they sometimes call Tinkerbell "Tink" and Periwinkle "Peri" and how those are nicknames.  One night at dinner she randomly says, "They call me Oliv" and then "That's just a nickname."

"We need to calm ourselves down and listen to what God says."

Some of her favorite "big people" words are "exactly" ("That is exactly what we need to do."), absolutely, ("I absolutely had fun") and "certainly".

She kept telling the little boy D that I babysit to stop doing something.  Then she said, "Do it again, and see what happens". (Of course, he didn't even hear her and wasn't paying attention and she just moved on to something else.)

She has been watching strawberry shortcake and she loves to call one of the characters "Apple Ducklin'" instead of Apple Dumplin.  No matter how many times I tell her...

To Logan "C'mon. Hug me.  You're suppose to be my snuggle bug!"

She also told D to "relax on the couch, because I need a break".  Thank you, Boppa! :)

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