Friday, June 27, 2014

Libraries and Lists

Disclaimer:  I spent far too long trying to upload pictures from my phone onto my computer.  It is just not working, so this post is going to be a little weak in the picture department.  Forgive me.

I got brave the other morning and decided we should do something to get out of the house.  I chose a trip to the library.  Our books were almost due and we had summer reading logs to turn in.  I set about my morning getting things ready.  Story time for Olivia's age didn't start until 11:30, so my plan was to go early, take care of all of the summer reading stuff, pick out new books, and then attend the story time.  Yeah... it didn't go anything like that.

First, Logan took a ridiculously long nap. (In his swing. Don't judge).  So that threw things off.  He finally started to stir and I just went ahead and woke him the rest of the way.  We still had a half hour to get to the library, which gave us about a 15 minute cushion.  I got him changed, in his car seat, and read to go.  Then I went to put Olivia's shoes on.  She was sitting on the couch, so I tried to put them on there.  She thinks she needs to be sitting on the stairs when this task happens.  Every single time.  I didn't let her go to the stairs and that led to a full on meltdown.  Yes.  She had a meltdown because I put her shoes on while she sat on the couch as opposed to sitting on the steps. Mmhmm.  Once you do something one way, she believes is must be done the same exact way every time after. Ugh.

I loaded the car and was ready to put her in her seat when she decided she urgently needed to use the bathroom.  I obliged, even though she did not need to use the bathroom.  It was just a way for her to control the out of control (in her world) situation.  Fun times.

We arrived at the story time 5 minutes late.  That's right.  I started planning our day around 8 and we still showed up to the 11:30 story time five minutes late.  That's just a glimpse into why most days it's easier for me to stay home. ;)

Olivia hasn't been to a story time in months and we moved up to the 3 to 6 year old session, so she was really hesitant.  She sat in the back with me and most of the time just hugged and kissed on Logan instead of participating.  We are going to have to start attending more regularly.  Logan, on the other hand, did great.

From there we went to take care of the summer reading program.
You are suppose to turn it in in stages, but what they require for the little kids is so easy.  We probably had it done in the first two days.  Both Olivia and Logan got a coupon sheet, a highlights magazine, and to pick out a book to keep.

Olivia returned her old library books and picked out a few new ones.

Showing off the book she chose as her reading prize.  (I couldn't get her to hold up the front, but it's all purple!)

Then she helped me check out her books.

I actually turned in part of my summer reading log too!  I got a book when we were at the library last time and read the entire 473 pages!  That is a huge deal these days.  I can't remember the last time I finished a book.  I did it more because I wanted to read the book than to participate in the program, but I'll take the free coupons and get entered into the drawing! 

One down. Ten to go.

1 comment:

  1. Too late for strawberries isn't it? I think the bag I thought would be good for books is too small. I was just looking for something her size. You might have to get creative and figure out another use for it.
