Saturday, September 24, 2011

Three Months!

Olivia Grace, you are three months old!

What have you been up to?
*You are wearing size 0 to 3 months clothing.  You are filling them out nicely.  There have been a few items that you've outgrown.  You can't fit in the footed pajamas because you are so long.  This is where the sleep gowns are coming in handy!

*We just switched you to size 2 diapers this week.

 (**Stretched out--she's so long!**)

*You are eating almost exactly what you were eating last month.  You take 6 bottles a day (every once in a while there will be a seventh). Each bottle is around 5 ounces.  We just started giving you 6 ounces at the feeding before bed.  (Although it's not making you sleep any longer as I had hoped.)

*As soon as you finish your bottle you want your paci.  It makes burping a little tricky, but we work it out.

  *You are a drool machine lately.

*You are constantly sticking your hands in your mouth.  You are not a thumb sucker.  You just slobber all over your hand.  

*Because of all the drool and hand sucking, I tried giving you Sophie the Giraffe for teething.  You are still figuring her out. :)

*You still love to be sitting up and looking out at what is going on around you.  We've tried the bumbo out a couple of times.  You have a mixed opinion about it so far.

*You have a love/hate relationship with your paci.  When you want it, you want it.  But there are times that you will absolutely refuse it.  It seems you want it most when you are sleepy or when you have just eaten.  I tried out some of our other pacis on you this week, but you still only love the plain purple one.

*You are tracking items a lot better now.

 (**For perspective**)

*You are a pretty good night time sleeper, but you are a terrible napper.  I'm hoping this is just a phase.

*You are ready for bed between 7 and 7:30 at night.  You sleep anywhere from 6 to 9 hours the first stretch and then 2 to 4 hours the second stretch (depending on how long the first stretch was).  I've tried dream feeding, but it doesn't work with you.  If your first stretch is interrupted, you don't have another long stretch.  You'll then have two 3 hour stretches. 

 (**So pretty!**)

*Since you are still getting up for a middle of the night feeding, you are still sleeping in our room.  Plus, I like having you there. :)  Although, I think we are going to have to lower the newborn sleeper thing.  It has a 15 pound weight limit, and I'm pretty sure you are close (if not over!).

*You've started rubbing your eyes when you are tired.  I find this both adorable and helpful!

*You have a ton of cowlicks, so I have no idea how to part your hair.  It doesn't matter much though.  It's constantly getting messed up.  Sorry!

(**Always with the hands...**)

*You don't mind tummy time. Although some sessions are better than others.

*You are a MUCH happier baby now that you are on the special formula.

 (**Check out that tongue!!**)

*You really enjoy bath time, but you hate getting out and getting into your pajamas.

*You have been "talking" up a storm this last month.  I can't wait for that first giggle! 

*I'm scared to even say this, but you are back to tolerating your car seat.  You no longer scream when getting strapped in.

*Your favorite things right now are: your fisher price rainforest bouncer and play gym, reading books with daddy, cuddling with mommy, and watching Praise Baby.


(Comparison pictures of the last three months coming...) 

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