(one of our MANY engagement pictures)
...let me count the ways.
So I said when I started this blog that one of the things you may read about is me bragging on my husband. There have been a few posts of me referring to him, but no bragging has really been done. There is a reason for that. He really is an amazing man. It's not that I don't have a ton to brag about. It's just my own issues with coming across sincere. You see, I often want to shout from the roof tops how lucky I am. How God has blessed me beyond measure. How in my wildest dreams I never could have imagined a more perfect husband for myself. The struggle is, that most of the time I find if someone is going on and on and on and ON about their spouse.... via facebook status updates, blogs, emails, etc.... that there is a hidden issue there. I don't know why, but sometimes I have a hard time believing it. If you have to SHOUT it at me every chance that you get, then can it really be that good? So while I want to brag on my husband and just how good he really is, I don't want to come across as fake. Do you see my internal dilemma?
Well anyway, I decided that despite my reservations, Michael deserves to be recognized. He is a one of a kind gentleman that I think you should know about. I can't do it all in one post. It would be a book. Literally. So every once in a while I'm going to blog about something I love about him. These will be listed in no particular order.
Oh how I love thee.... let me count the ways.
#1. I love that Michael CHOSE me. I feel so honored and blessed to be his wife. I feel like he could have chosen a number of great women, yet for some reason, he chose me. I will be forever grateful.
I agree he was totally worth the wait :)