I'm going to apologize now for the picture you are about to see! I woke up with pretty bad back pain. I didn't want to do anything that required me to stand or walk for a long time. I wanted to sit in a chair that would semi support my back. I did shower for you guys, but that's about as far as I got. So here it is.... keeping it real! :)
How far along: 21 weeks!
How far along: 21 weeks!
Size of baby: baby is the size of a banana
(I hope they are just talking about length. How can you go from a cantaloupe to a banana?)
Total weight gain/loss: +12.6
Maternity clothes: mostly maternity... some regular. I tried a few regular shirts this week that I thought would be good for a day that was suppose to be in the high 70's. Unfortunately, they were too short. Some of the short sleeve maternity shirts I have are still a little big in the belly, since mine isn't huge yet. I'm just mixing and matching and making it work! :)
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: I think we've moved from flutters to kicks, although they aren't exactly what I thought they'd be. I think it's because they aren't very strong yet. Also, if they were kicks (which I'm pretty sure they were), then I think Miss Olivia is still breech. The kicks were very low.
Sleep: Going to bed at night is my least favorite thing about being pregnant right now. I have a hard time getting comfortable, and I get up about 4 or 5 times a night to pee. Luckily though, even with all that, I'm still sleeping pretty good.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach
Cravings: fruit, chocolate, anything I don't have to prepare myself! :)
Note: last week I said I was craving desserts. I would just like to point out that just because I am "craving" these things, does not mean I am eating them all the time. In fact, I've only had one (very disappointing) cupcake. I did want chocolate the other night and there was none in the house. I am, however, eating the fruit and salad! I did make a trip to Kroger and got Dove Ice Cream bars and funfetti cake! I think I'll be making it soon!
Symptoms: HEARTBURN AND ACID REFLUX! These two are overtaking my life. This baby better come out with a head full of hair like they say!!!!!! ;) Also, my back pretty much hurts daily. It's still low and to my right. I woke up yesterday feeling like I unloaded a whole moving truck by myself and then it ran into me! I don't know why, but my back pretty much ached all day. I'm guessing this is going to be around for the next 19 weeks. I think a pregnancy message is in the works for me! (I've already been pricing them!)
Surprises: Even though I don't feel huge, I am already having troubles with my ever growing belly--getting out of breath faster, having trouble bending over, taking much longer to get off the couch, etc. I thought I had some time before these things started!
Best Moment of the week: feeling a kick instead of a tickle
Fun purchases: I was all prepared to say we didn't make any baby purchases, but we ended up going to the outlet mall on Saturday. There is a really nice indoor one that is about 20 minutes from us. We went when friends were in town, but we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl. I had a gift card to a maternity clothing store, so I got a few summer items. Then we got a few baby clothes that were on sale. Most of them were 12 months and one was even 18 months. Who can pass up $3 fuzzy feet pajamas? I also bought a diaper bag. More on that later.
Milestones: I am officially counting "down"! I've passed the half way mark and am going down hill now. It's actually going a lot faster than I had thought. 132 days left if she's on time!